Please Enjoy the Art

We interrupt our irregularly scheduled programming to bring you some visual stimulus.

I’m tired of words these days so I’ve been spending a lot of time with images.  Non-verbal communication. Art that stirs an emotional response or at least makes me think about something in a new way. There’s some really great stuff out there!

For the next few weeks, I’ll be posting a selection of the more interesting things I’ve come across because this started out as an art blog, after all, back when I didn’t realize that mysterious heart palpitations and inadvertent porn and embarrassing bus rides in Haiti are sort of art, too. So, there have been detours…

But for today (a flooded Friday the 13th here in New Mexico!) I have this: The Tooth Fairy’s Lost Luggage, by Christopher Locke (  Just disturbing enough to be provocative. Enjoy.

tooth fairy

8 thoughts on “Please Enjoy the Art

    • Hey John! yes, it’s a ghastly gummy pink, isn’t it? This piece for me is like an accident — I know it’s not going to be good, but I just can’t stop looking.

      Rufina… good! She will be her own daily art post 🙂

  1. Ouch! That pink kind of reminds me of the pink of gums. Like all those tortuous tools and encased inside a big mouth. No wonder dentists have always had a bad rap. Shudder.

  2. That is totally creepy, made moreso by the pink, crushed velvet lining of the instrument case. I knew there were many reasons why I liked you, Laura, and you’ve just given me one more. Hope you’re well!

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